Rules of Play
Cribbage Rules vary to some extent compared with how most of us have played at home or local gathering spots. We are not an ACC Sanctioned Club and are not subject to any of the ACC rules.
Attendance: “Who goes home or doesn’t play” – If an odd number of players are present on any given Monday night the club may choose to either:
- Rotate player into regular play, or
- First person to volunteer to go home, or
- Last SCW member signed in, or
- Guest to give up seat.
On NO occasion should a valid Sun City West Card holder be displaced from play unless they volunteer to do so.
This is the formal list of rules for questions that most frequently come up in play:
- Cut cards for deal. Lowest number cut deals first, if a tie, cut again. Ace is low.
- Cards MUST be cut after the shuffle and before the deal every hand.
- When cutting- take at least 4 cards or leave 4 cards on the bottom of the pack
- DON’T look at the bottom card of the pack when cutting.
- If card is exposed in the dealing process by the dealer – Re-deal.
- Once cards are discarded to the crib, you may NOT pick them up again.
- Exception: If your cards only are placed on the wrong side.
- Cards may NOT be turned over upon completion of a series in the playing process.
- A card once played stands, UNLESS it doesn’t fit. Example: The count is 28 and a 5 is played, it has to be corrected.
- If you peg in the wrong direction, pegs should be put back where they belong.
- If you peg too many points and your opponent calls you on it. The score is corrected and play continues.
- If you peg short of the correct mark and you have taken your hand off the peg, the points missed are to be corrected.
- If, when scoring a hand, you take too many points and you place the peg in the game hole (as to win) it is to be corrected.
- In the event of a tie game when the bell rings and time has run out: First notify the time keeper and then play a tie breaking hand. Process continues until the tie is broken.
- If you have any questions regarding the above rules or situations occurring outside of those stated, ask a club officer to make a ruling on any possible infractions. This must be done during play.
Game Point Scoring:
- 2 Points for the win
- 3 Points for the Skunk
- 0 Points for the Loss
Record the total 2-digit number of points won or lost – in the appropriate column that applies.
Do NOT double for a skunk. Turn score sheet into Scorer at the end of the night.
**Any revisions or corrections to the above rules of play will be voted on by a quorum of eligible voters during a regularly scheduled quarterly membership meeting.